Saturday, December 10, 2011
Smoker's cough could be serious
Smokers often fail to take a chronic cough and shortness of breath seriously enough, noted Dieter Koehler, academic advisory council member of the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine.
They dismiss the symptoms as a harmless smoker's cough or blame them on poor physical fitness or advancing age.
Koehler said that a chronic cough with or without sputum, and shortness of breath during mild physical exertion or when resting, were signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
The disease often goes undiagnosed until lung function has fallen by half, he pointed out.
People wanting to know whether they might have COPD can take an assessment test online.
Not only smokers are at risk of developing COPD, but also people with long exposure to other lung irritants such as chemical fumes, air pollution or dust, or who have certain genetic defects.
Koehler advises those with telltale symptoms to see a doctor as soon as possible.